The Watchers and the Shape Shifting Nephilim: In Plain Sight

Body Of Christ
6 min readAug 3, 2024



You will be hard-pressed to find a theological or historic researcher who has not considered Enoch, Jubilees, or at least mentioned The Book of Giants.

Originating in the Book of Enoch, they are major players throughout ancient narratives that have been woven into contemporary ideas regarding mythology, religion, and science.

We will explore a bit of folklore, have reference Bible verses to look into, and dig the modern implications of these mysterious beings in this article.

But if you dont like to read the article, here is a video by WAKE UP CALL

Summary of the Book Of Enoch

The book was written between 300 BC and AD 200 and is attributed to him (Enoch) along with Noah’s great-grandfather as it describes events, including the binding of fallen angels.

Although noncanonical to the Bible, it is found in various religious traditions.

There is a man called Enoch, referenced in the Bible (Genesis 5:21–24), who lived for so many years before he was taken by God.

It is understood as a euphemism for Enoch entering Heaven alive, which contrasts with the later that he was not one of only two people from Hebrew scriptures to live there without dying (Elijah being other).

Story — The Watchers

In the Book of Enoch, a group of 200 angels are known as The Watchers. They were sent to Earth as a watch over humanity.

But they failed to do so; And then when certain of these angels disobeyed and took human women as their wives, they beget the horrid offspring named Nephilim.

The Nephilim were giants and powerful beings who had a huge influence upon mankind.

The Watchers mated with humans and taught us all many secrets, up to the highest science.

They taught us about the use of metals, cosmetics, and a number of technologies hitherto unknown to man.

The Book of Enoch frames these developments as a mixed blessing, simultaneously offering wisdom and potency.

The Nephilim — Spawn of the Watchers

The offspring of the Watchers were known as he Nephilim, and they were giants that greatly surpassed humans in both height and intelligence.

In Genesis 6:4 we learn of the “Nephilim” as being part human, or giants; for there were again tales of these sons-of-God humbling themselves to take wives from among mortal humans.

The existence of the Nephilim was one of the main reasons that God brought forth The Great Flood to wipe these fallen creatures and their wickedness from off of Earth.

Modern Interpretations and Symbolism

In modern times, the history of the Watchers and Nephilim has been used with a twist in various media to great effect typically by fiction.

By saying that they where Just aliens, which a trick to not let people read the bible they do anything to convince that the bible is false by using half-truth.

I mean Just look at this, they are saying that these guys are “Lizard people”:

So one of these films was The Watchers which describes exactly that, the ETs and their involvement in humanity.

The film is, appropriately enough given the symbolism at work (the all-seeing eye), a specific reference to The Watchers and their hidden governance of human affairs.

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A key feature of a grifter re-packaging the Watchers and Nephilim is disguising them as aliens.

Many are certain to think this is simply an uninhibited creative idea, but Monroe has explained it with the help of Aleister Crowley who said that at a later date what has been known as demons were actually aliens.

It is alleged that this change in terminology is just one more layer of deceit, to obfuscate the fact these beings are actually Biblical based.

Aliens are treated as cultural entities, presented in the media and fiction as creatures from other worlds coming to Earth.

Yet, some interpretations insist that these purported aliens themselves are the Nephilim or their descendants in a new form influencing mankind.

This theory proposes that all the technology we have ascribed to aliens was knowledge given from Watchers.

Biblical and Archaeological Evidence

The Book of Enoch has been backed up by various archaeological findings including the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Some ancient texts give historical evidence of old Enochian terms and narratives.

The Book of Enoch is missing from the canonical Bible, but it tells a more complete version of what happened in biblical times — especially as we get into stories about giants and fallen angels.

A common point of blame (where this type or source of information is concerned) for the removal of The Book Of Enoch from the biblical canon often gets put squarely on Jerome, and to some extent lower echelon Vatican string-pullers looking very hard to extinguish any evidence that might shake things up a bit where faith in their religions was concerned.

The reason the church omitted this particular book was to essentially steer people away from delving into these deeper, more controversial areas of biblical history.

Or they don't us to know the truth about who is running the whole world?

Symbolism in Media and Culture

For example, films such as Signs and The Sixth Sense often take a page out of the Bible for undertones or symbolic imagery that bring up endowed qualities from faith-based beliefs.

But they also function as sneaky introductions to the idea that Nephilim are real (though nefariously so).

This is a reference to the Watchers and their covert influence, which has been further reinforced through the use of icons like the all-seeing eye in many of these movies.

Legacy of the Nephilim and their Influence on Mankind: How they still impact Humanity in Various Aspects of Modern-day society

They continue to have an impact on everything from technological advances to how we portray the paranormal in our media.

Falling Angels Taught Advanced Tech to Humans — The fact that ancient advanced tech was created by “gods”, and learned from angels-who fell on here-debunks the traditional construct of human progress as explained in our sacred scripture.


The story of the Watchers and the Nephilim, provided by book Enoch is one way to see how lifestyle meets Legendary where mythology does not get too far from religion or science.

These are important stories that illustrate the roots of human society and ongoing supernatural influences.

These ideas, as with any notion explored in modern media and culture, bear far more weight than what is normally visible on the surface.

Looking at this idea in the light of historical and scriptural context related to The Watchers, along with considering what powerful entities like these may represent if they are real is very telling about just how much we still do not know on Earth.

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